Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Steam Locomotive at the Haapsalu Railway Museum, Estonia.

This C 252-94 steam locomotive was used on the Keila - Haapsalu Railway which was in operation between 1905 - 1995. The line ceased operations in 1995. The Haapsalu Railway Station is now a Railway Museum and on display are several historical locomotives that were used on the line including this one.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ravindra, TJ in Malaysia suggested me to contact you. Here in Chile I have seen 2 postcards about trains: One is about Antofagasta station (where trains used to depart for Bolivia) and the other is former Mapocho Station in Santiago which is a cultural centre now. Maybe they can be of interest for you.
    Here's my mail: mellegounapostal@live.cl
    Have a good day! Hernán.
